Tran is a fat obtained from the fresh liver of Atlantic cod or other cod family fish.
Regular consumption of cod liver oil improves the body’s immunity and improves mood. Especially in the fall, when we are exposed to colds.
The fish oil also contains vitamins A and D3, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body, especially during its growth. Just two capsules can cover the daily requirement for these vitamins.
Cod liver oil contains major fatty acids, an important nutrient for skin cells. It contains mainly unsaturated fatty acids.
These types of fatty acids naturally lower blood pressure and provide the body with the building blocks to produce anti-inflammatory hormones that help improve the immune system.
Additionally, the high content of vitamins A and D in cod liver oil facilitates the absorption of calcium and its preservation in the bones.
Fish oil also supports the circulatory system, lowers the level of bad cholesterol, has an anti-cancer effect, prevents osteoporosis, alleviates the symptoms of asthma and psoriasis, and also improves memory and concentration.